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Worship and Liturgical Ministries

Music Ministry: 

​​Singing and music profoundly adds to the liturgical celebration. We are always welcoming new members and while musical experience is helpful, it is not necessary. If you are interested in sharing your voice, please approach the choir director of the 11:30 am English Mass.

Altar Servers:  

Altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass. Boys and men (grade 3 and up - who have received their First Holy Communion) are invited to serve in this ministry. Please speak to a priest to sign up for the role. Training is provided. 

Eucharistic Ministers:  ​​​​

Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in serving Holy Communion during Mass. This Ministry is open to adults who are practicing Catholics. Training is provided. Volunteers must be 18 years of age and older.


Lectors serve the church community by reading Scripture    and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. If you feel comfortable reading in front of others, this might be a wonderful way for you to be involved in the parish. This ministry is open to any practicing Catholics who has received Confirmation. Training is provided.

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers):  

Men and women who welcome, provide assistance and seat parishioners, collect the offertory, and hand out bulletins. This ministry is open to all parishioners beginning with students in grade 9. Training is provided.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (New):  

Two catechists share the Gospel with children ages 4 to 10 years at the 11:30 noon Mass. Catechists help the children engage in meaningful discussions at their level of comprehension. Training is provided.