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Photos of BELL TOWER

September 17, 2024

Dear Friends in Christ,                 

We have one of the most beautiful churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto, a wonderful gift that was given to our parish community. It is a place where we pray and meet Our Lord in the Eucharist and in Adoration that inspires meditation, reflection and peace. Our church is our spiritual home where we are refreshed and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. 

Our church was built in 1959 and has withstood Toronto’s harsh winters and forever changing weather. With this amazing milestone comes the usual wear and tear, and the aging of our church’s structure. At 65, our church continues to be beautiful. But now more urgently than ever, it has a need for major repairs. In the last few years, our bell towers had cracks that allowed water to seep in and rotted in some parts that challenged its stability. For this need, we solicited the services of a structural engineer and repairs will cost $300,000 to keep it from collapse. 

We also have a heating and cooling system that was installed 20 years ago. Do you remember that summer when it broke down and it took months to fix? Every time it breaks, it costs us thousands of dollars to repair it! Last year, the parish spent more than $50,000 to replace some aging and leaking valves. The manufacturer says it might have a couple more years of use, with future problems all but certain if the parish fails to invest in a new system soon. The cost to replace the unit and rewire the whole church is $700,000. 

We now have this perfect opportunity to pull together as a community and support our parish to bring our spiritual home to its best state. It is easier to fundraise for something that is visible (an updated altar, brand new and shiny church doors, or a new roof). Our need, however, is different because it is hidden from plain sight; its structure and air! These much needed changes and maintenance should always be top of the list because rot has a way of eating up our home and our investment.

HAEC EST VERE DOMUS DEI means THIS IS TRULY THE HOUSE OF GOD. These words are written on the arch that sits high above our main altar in the sanctuary and they serve as a powerful reminder as we launch our new fundraising campaign titled, SACRED JOURNEY: RESTORING THE HOUSE OF GOD to help us ensure that St. Lawrence Martyr Parish will continue to honour Our Lord, by being a vibrant place for worship and fellowship for many, many years to come. We are seeking support from generous donors with like-minded values to help us reach our goals.  

Our parish has been frugal over the last years but cannot shoulder the cost of repairs. Raising $1,000,000 over the next few years will cover the entire cost so that the work can be accomplished.  It is only with your generous participation, that we can ensure that the future generations can continue to find our church as a source of encouragement, inspiration, consolation and healing to so many people. This has been a place of faith where God pursues us, a place of hope to those who are seeking solace, and a place of love to those who are striving to imitate the Lord. 

As your Pastor, I ask you to take this to prayer and consider supporting this campaign. The Lord will surely bless you for your generosity. This is truly the House of God and our legacy for the future generations. Let us come together, with Mother Mary and St. Joseph, to rebuild God’s House for our families and those who are dear to us, as we walk with Our Lord to the heavenly homeland.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Thomas Signature

Rev. Fr. Thomas Lim - Pastor, St. Lawrence Martyr Parish