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Coat of Arms for Archbishop Leo
Thanksgiving Message from Archbishop Leo
2024 Thanksgiving Message of Most Rev. Francis LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto   Brothers and Sisters in the Lord...
Archbishop Leo
Pope Francis Elevates Archbishop Francis Leo to the College of Cardinals
Pope Francis has announced that Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, the Most Rev. Francis Leo will be elevated to...
First Communion Confirmation
Sacramental Preparation
Programs for First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion and Confirmation... Children in Grades 2 and 7 attending St. Lawrence...
Life Chain
Life Chain - A Note of Thanks
Celebration of Wedding Anniversaries
Anniversary blessings are given to all celebrating couples after the Holy Communion at all Masses of the last...
Installation of Pastor
Installation Mass for Fr. Thomas Lim
Deuteronomy 31:8 - “It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; ...
SLM Bulletin Cover
This Sunday's Bulletin
Check out the Pastor's Corner for our Pastor's latest blogs and messages. Know who the Mass...
SVdP you are needed
Society of St Vincent de Paul
Are you looking for ways to experience God?  Join the Society of St Vincent de Paul at...

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Scarborough, ON
M1P 2P9

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2210 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, ON
M1P 2P9

t:  416.759.9359

Rev. Thomas Lim

Rev. Russell Asch
Chaplain to the Faithful participating in the Extraordinary Rite of the Latin Mass

Rev. Giuseppe Scollo

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Q & A #2
St. Lawrence Martyr Q&A
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Q & A

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